Thursday, 31 July 2014

Adventures and Animals

So, 7 months into the year already, I can't really believe it. What have I been doing? Working, playing games and planning holidays. So about those games that I played:

Goodbye Deponia
The final game in the Deponia trilogy is the craziest one yet. I haven't been ectatic on these games, but point and clock adventures resonate with me, mainly because of the raw sense of adventure they have. But these games are crazy hard, leaving me crawling away to a walk-through every hour or so. The art is great, the characters are wacky and the story kind of mostly makes sense. Really worth it when they were on sale. I'll now have to find some new adventure games to keep me going.

The Legend of Zelda: Windmaker
I have never finished a zelda game before, in fact, my only experience has been playing most of Minish cap on the gameboy as a kid before giving up and giving it back to my friend and then years later, having a hard time playing Ocarina of Time on an emulator. Now with the HD remake of the gamecube game out on the Wii U, I went in full steam and played it to the end. It was actually enjoyable even if slightly frustrating in places. Now I'm looking for some more zelda experiences.

Mario kart 8
The reason I got a Wii U in the first place because it looked so fun. I have had the classic experience of playing the N64 version with a group of university friends before, now I wanted to own it. It's pretty, pretty fun and pretty brutal on harder difficulties, but definitely worth getting. The only downsides are the amount of characters related to Bowser. I mean, who wants to race as one of Bowser's kids?

Age of Empires 2: HD
I adored the age of empires series as a kid and to come back to it without it looking all funny and blurry graphically was amazing. I find my tactics I used as a kid don't really work in multi-player, but the gamplay and sound-effects really take me back. Still fun to play today.

So what films have I watched and enjoyed?

How to Train your Dragon 2
Never have I wanted to ride a dragon so much while watching the opening scenes of this film. The choreography of the dragon's flights are amazing, toothless is great all grown up, its still as colourful and pretty as the first film. It does have some faults, however, such as the screen-time and use of certain characters as well as some plot consistencies concerning a certain bad guy screaming dragons into submission. But overall, it was a really enjoyable film.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
I thought Rise was great, this film is even better. Ape on Human warfare, great characters, brilliant performances by everyone, a really investing plot and setting. I thought it was all bundled together incredibly. Wow.

Guardians of the Galaxy
Woah. It's good. It's really good.

Anything else? Of course.

I have been playing pathfinder with my RPG group as a Monk. It has been CSI: Sandpoint for the past month as we are left in charge of the town as sheriffs. My monk has been terrible and drunk, but the last session (Conveniently the only one where my monk hasn't been drinking) has had really great rolls and single-hand-idly took out an entire room of Goblins without a single point of damage while playing 'the floor is now lava' hopping from table to table, performing scissor kicks and basically emulating Jackie Chan for a few fables seconds. Nice.