So my dedication to this blog was distracted and ultimately failed, but I have a lot of material I enjoy looking back on. So what have my favorite things been this year? Keep in mind, some of these may not have been released this year, but the point is, I watched them this year.
TV SHOWS (or I'm always a little bit behind)
Go Busters
This show really excited me with its themes and ideas, as far as sentai shows go, I rate it as one my of favorites.
The Flash
I wasn't too impressed with the pilot, but the rest of the reason has just really excited me, probably the best superhero show I have seen on TV. RUN BARRY.
Danger 5
This spy spoof that I discovered was just hilarious and ingenious with its dialogue, parody of 60's spy shows and miniature effects and ultimately made me laugh harder that I could have imagined.
I didn't care for this show until 3 people recommended it to me, and it actually turned out to be something I find enjoyable, especially the way Penguin in portrayed.
The Legend of Korra
So this how had a few seasons this year and finished. Although not as good as The last Airbender, I was still excited to watch it every week it was airing for the bending and a few select characters.
MOVIES (or I only watch what I want to watch)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Who knew a film about a bunch of misfits in space could be so heart-warming and adventurous. Not the best made film this year, but by far the most enjoyable. And I watch films to be entertained.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Absolutely stunning, great story and even greater characters, this is one worthy sequel and I can't wait to see where the franchise goes next.
The Lego Movie
Got me back into Lego and has moments for every age of lego fan. It blew me away with its effects and will probably have an impact on me for years to come.
Book of Life
My favorite animation this year, its aesthetic on the mexican day of the dead was just so colourfully wonderful and the music was great. I enjoyed this more than I though I would.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
A superhero spy thriller is just a great concept and this film put Captain America back on people's like-lists, including mine.
GAMES (or I discovered Zelda)
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD
This year saw me get into Zelda games with a fierce determination and my first strike was Wind Waker with its beautiful art style and encapsulating gameplay sailing the seas. I really liked it.
Skyward Sword
Next up was the latest original Zelda, with its 1:1 sword motion controls. I read a lot of negative stuff on this game, but I loved it. This game has been my favorite one in years and it really got me caught up in a real adventure and awesome world.
Wow. The music/art/gameplay just hit my core on an emotional level. I wish there could be more games like this. I'd put it on the same level as bastion, but I still listen to some songs from this game every day.
Mario Kart 8
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuun. I saw the gameplay and just new I had to get a Wii U just for this. I just wish my life was less busy so I could get more friends around to enjoy the racing.
Goodbye Deponia
I'll be honest, I had to use a walkthough for 70% of the puzzles in this game, but I had to see this trilogy finished. It was good, maybe not the best, but it was a fun ride while it lasted.
Other adventures include going on a holiday to Germany and a holiday to Barcelona. Its rare that I have even 1 holiday a year, so that's bonus.
I made it to Barcelona.
I haven't really written anything substantial this year, which is a shame since I think about writing a lot, but haven't had enough spare time to dedicate to it and when I do I haven't had the motivation. Next year, I want to finish one a project that has been 5 years in the making (Thinking).
I played a ton of new board games at least.
With Role-playing games, my group all died in Dungeons and Dragons and having the group move to the Pathfinder system seemed appropriate for a change, since the 5th edition wasn't out for another few months. My Monk character in Pathfinder has reached level 6, which is quite the fantastic notion. I love how my character has evolved from having his brother die against some magic dogs or something and his god being something completely different from what he though. At least he's no longer a drunk! To quote another player:
"Worst Monk Ever & sketch artist, ever so slightly above average dancer, jumps freakishly good, science not a strong point. Mr. Torque Armand - Door Bane, vanquisher of evil doors."
This guy.
I think I've covered a good chunk of the year and hope it makes up for ignoring this blog for several months. Blog: I'm Sorrrry :(
At least I carved my first ever pumpkin! Bonus points if anyone gets the reference.
It's from Grim Fandango :)