It's been a while since I have updated, but this post will be about my D&D character. Dungeons are dangerous. I looted one thing too much, it appears greed got the better of me and I got the worst of luck. So I say goodbye to my first ever D&D character, Lukka Nobou. (That scalemail was a bitch to draw as well.)
Still, she loved the treasure and company. In fact her first words were "I'm searching for treasure" (And her last words were "FUUUUUUUUUCK"). I'm a little sad to see her go. She really became her own character this last month and even managed to single-handidly stop a Total Party Kill from happening. Looting the third sarcophacous was what did me in. Suddenly three horrific monsters appeared out of the walls (Which I would later be told were Xorn) and ripped her to shreds. So yeah, she was killed by three of these motherfuckers:
Pictured: Absolute death.
Before I could even move, these abominations got a 19 on initiative and proceeded to all attack at once, hitting me for a whopping 97 points of damage. Holy shit. Death happens if you exceed your total hit-points in the negatives. So with 43HP, I was knocked down to -54 in the first few seconds of the round and instantly died. The rogue (who I had bonded with in the previous dungeon) heard my scream and ran in (Either to grab my body or the massive amount of loot I had, either way I don't think there was much left of me). The druid tried to stop him with an entangle spell, but ended up trapping him. The rogue died shortly afterwards by the same monsters, leaving only the bard and druid to run the hell away.
Am I sad for this death? As I said, a little, but what is reward without risk? Lukka died how she lived, searching for treasure. But still, getting ripped to shreds is a horrible way to go. Surviving the ceiling (Lurker) the floor (Trapper) the air (Poison gas) but it was the walls that did her in. Of course, it had to be the walls.
Now I'm rolling up a barbarian. Time to get funky and look to the future.
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