Wednesday 12 March 2014

March Madness

Time for a life update! As you may or may not know, I've got a part time job at a local cinema. I've now been trained on floor, screens, concessions, popping and ice-cream. The job is still pretty chill, even though the honey-moon period is over. It keeps me going. I work 4 days out of 7, which just gives me enough time to myself. I really need to decide on future plans though.

Next up, my little February experiment, my Rocketman Web-Comic now has its own mini-site. It's easier to read on Comic Fury and stops clogging up this blog which really wasn't designed for webcomics. The first story-arc is over, but the next one (Which I'm hoping will take me up to 50 pages) will debut and run on the above site.

It's certainly been an interesting thing to do (One I would certainly recommend) and even though my webcomic looks quite rough around the edges, as with anything, the more I do, the more I improve!

I've taken enough photo's to last me until page 40, but after that, I'll need another photoshoot. My method is just taking the photos and then making up the dialogue when I arrange them into the comic-panels later. It works and mixes it up enough so I don't get fatigued by doing either too much.

My general life-scheduling is a mess, something I really need to sort the hell out. I'm sure I'll get there. This brings me on to something I can't quite comprehend, we're three months into this year, a wholw 1/4 through and I still haven't decided where I'm going. It's quite scary. The majority of my old friends are getting engaged and here I am with a part-time job, taking photo's of Lego. Ouch.

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