Thursday 13 February 2014

My first D&D character gets beat up a lot

So as I continue to take a part in the weekly D&D nights at my local games shop, I looked at the sad little portrait I drew in the character sheet box and decided to do a full body sketch of my character. But furthermore, I thought it could be fun to do real time damage updates after each session! It's actually a really fun thing to do and it really puts the whole dungeoneering dangers into perspective. As drawing practice goes, its pretty useless, but pretty darn fun.

This is my Ranger, She has had acid splashback, been clawed and stabbed by lizardmen, ran into about ten doors only to bounce right off, almost had the life sucked out of her by wraiths and the last session was especially brutal to her. I fumbled a roll to jump over a raging underground river and she unfortunately forgot the 'jump' part of jumping over it.

After getting completely split from the party and beached in a part of the dungeon four or so levels down (The GM took me into a separate room and with my character sheet, which was a nice touch.) I then fell right into a Lurker trap. I was panicking as the surprise attack took me down to 3 hit points. My poor ranger was completely alone, with a ten foot, sting-ray like beast on top, trying to maul her. I was previously told that rangers were a pretty self-sufficient class, but doubts began to creep into my head. I managed to score 2 points more than the Lurker on my strength check and ran back to the shore of the river, knowing just how close I was to permanent death.

Luckily, the Rogue saw me go through a door and not come back out, so he's following. But by god, next session I'm going to stab that monster into oblivion. Or the Ranger is going to die alone regretting her decision to become a treasure hunter (Fun fact, after 3 months, the only treasure I have managed to grab is some hair-clips.)

Happy sketching!

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