Monday 3 February 2014

Things I Have Learned Working At A Cinema.

  • Kids are Psychic and know your name (Until you realise you are wearing a name badge.)
  • You can watch entire films while working (In 2 minute blocks that are out of sequence)
  • Sticky popcorn and carpet is a terrible combination
  • People leave enough half-bags of pick and mix to feed a third world country
  • Nuclear popcorn fallout is a thing.

  • Credit watchers are a thing (For EVERY film.)
  • The daily rota is an excellent canvas for doodling in your spare time.
  • You will have hours of nothing to do.
  • You will have hours of everything to do.
  • Cinemas serve the messiest noisiest food (Because they can, bitch.)
  • You'll meet some cool, crazy and miscellaneous people.
  • Just make it a large.
  • Spouses will leave their significant others to park the car while they get a good seat
  • Live ballet being streamed to a screen is a fantastic idea.
  • Hot dog steam is scolding hot.
  • Eye contact is key.

  • The popcorn is everywhere.
  • You will check a film, you will walk into a steamy sex scene and back out slowly.
  • Subtitles are a fun rarity [GRUNTING INTENSIFIES]
  • You realise where the old people go on Monday afternoons.
  • If you're not on duty COVER IT UP. (Your uniform that is.)
  • Something fucked up. Call the manager.
  • The actual professional cleaners exist, but never when you're around.
  • You resign to the fact that the cinema time leaflet knows more about what’s on than you do.
  • You have never heard of this film, but the old ladies say it’s bad.

  • You know all the door codes and feel like a secret agent.
  • The massive computer's upstairs do all the projecting.
  • Popping popcorn is mesmerizing.
  • Grabbing the mop makes your feel like a superhero.
  • You have to explain that you don’t make the prices.
  • The lights will come up on their own (Unless something fucks up.)
  • No, I don’t know what is coming out this summer. I’m just paid to rip your ticket. Let me rip your ticket. Please. Wait, come back. I meant screen 9 not screen 4.
And that's only after 2 weeks.

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