Friday 3 January 2014

Friday Thoughts: Detectives and D-Listers

Sherlock premiered on new years day for its third series and boy was it a hum zinger (Is that still a phrase?) The dynamic between the two titular characters is something I have sorely missed and the burned bridges between them made for some hilarious scenes and conversations. Although the entire episode was dedicated to reconnecting the two “friends” there was still room to poke fun of the zany theories of how Sherlock survived his fall as well as setting up a new villain to replace the late Moriarty. I will once again be following this series with keen interest.

The Fifth season of Community premiered with a double bill as well. After a good but rocky season 4, Community gets back to its old self and manages to open with a wacky yet down-to-earth feel. It manages to reference the fact that the characters had become caricature of themselves, while fixing underlying problems with the fact Jeff has graduated with a wonderful stride. Community is definitely something to keep watching.

Next up, I have begun reading the Superior Foes of Spider-man. This comic was lauded as one of the greatest comics to begin last year and after several issues, I have to whole-heartily agree. The comic follows a gang of D-list super-villains through their failures and narrow escapes as they try to become the new sinister six. With only five of them. It has a wonderful ‘dysfunctional-family-dynamic’ to the Sinister Six crew and really humanizes the mind of the super-villain. The comic is smart, funny and absolutely ridiculous. Perfect. I don’t read that many comics, but this is one that I will keep an eye on for as long as it runs.

I tested out the new firefly board-game yesterday. Each player picks a captain and takes control of a firefly class ship and hops around the ‘verse picking up jobs from people like Patience and Badger. Along the way you can buy crew-members (Series favorites like Wash and River or more expendable ones like Gun Hand #1 and Gun Hand #2), upgrade the ship and avoid the Reavers and (If you've been doing some illegal jobs) the Alliance as well. There is also a three main goals that have to be fulfilled to win the game, but you need a good crew and a ship to even attempt a single goal. The game has a learning curve, but it is very well put together. Unfortunately, with the five players we had, it would have taken over five hours to finish a single game. Overall, I would play it again and enjoy every minute of it. And in an inspired moment, a player got Wash killed by Reavers on the second turn. Wonderful.

These have been my thoughts on Friday. For now.

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