Wednesday 1 January 2014

The Beginning

First of all, Happy Twenty Fourteen! Last year was an unconventional roller coaster, I worked hard, I quit my job, I went travelling, I came back, I wrote a book about various undead creatures, all kinds of weird stuff. Hopefully this year brings even crazier things.

I'm not entirely sure what this blog will entail, but I guess we'll all find out soon. One thing I promised myself I would do more of is drawing: I was never an artist, I always had trouble translating the picture I saw in my head to paper, but nevertheless, it was enjoyable. I'll try and draw something every week. For the first day of the new year, here is my little man I like to call Max Doodle. He is a doodle, a maximum doodle. Max once starred in a comic book I hand drew during university, something to make the waiting around and train journeys more interesting. He succeeded, so here is his comeback!

I also promised myself I would read more, since reading books can transport you into fantastical worlds, into the minds of people long past, into the future and into the truth and lies of the universe. Pretty neat, so I may mention books that have caught my eye or caught my heart.

For now though, I'll leave and continue with the year.

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